Chris & Debbie Becker
Chris has been in the Funeral Industry for 30 years now. Deb has been beside him every step of the way for 24 years since Becker Family Funerals was first established in 2000. With the much appreciated help and guidance from Chris’ parents Rita and Don, brother Steve and his wife Bron many years of hard work and dedication were put in to create a solid foundation within the community that reflects the core family morals that makes Becker’s a truly warming and comforting family run Funeral Home. Not only did Chris and Deb get Becker’s off the ground they did it while raising five beautiful children, some of which are now working at Becker’s themselves. Chris and Deb’s dedication to the Funeral Industry has created not only a beautiful environment for us all to work within but also inspired us to meet the high standards they have set for us.

Thomas Becker
Better known to all as “Tom”, is married to Kirst and they have a beautiful son together. Tom is one of the third generation Becker’s working with us. On leaving school Tom became an apprentice carpenter. Whilst enjoying his trade, an opportunity was created through our growth and thankfully Tom accepted our employment offer. Tom brings with him a great personality of warmth and social skills that endear him to all he meets.

Olivia Thorpe “Liv”
(née Becker) is the eldest daughter of Chris & Debbie and joined the family business in 2022. Liv is married to Dan and they have three beautiful kids together. The Funeral Home has always been a part of Liv’s life so it was a natural progression for her to move into her role at Becker’s. Liv has a quiet, gentle nature & takes great care with our families at both the Funeral Home & at our Funeral Services. Liv shares the same strong work & family values as her parents & grand-parents & is another great asset to the Becker team.

Daniel Thorpe “Dan”
Dan is a local Biripi man who joined us in March 2020 and is an extremely valuable addition to our Funeral Home. Dan is married to our daughter Olivia and together they have three beautiful children. His priorities are his wife, family & work and he delivers in these areas without compromise. We are very proud of Dan in this respect. Dan’s parents are Clayton & Coral and he is one of ten children. We embrace Dan and see the potential in him as a future role model within our wonderful community.

Kirstyn Becker “Kirst”
Kirst is married to Tom who she shares a gorgeous son with and is the latest Becker to join our team. Kirst brings a down to earth and warm personality. We are very excited to have Kirst here with us and know she will exceed every expectation and be a great and caring asset to Becker’s and the Funeral Industry.

Helen Wilson
Has two beautiful children and has been an integral part of the Becker Family team for a couple years now. Helen is very efficient and plays a big role in making sure everything runs smoothly. She is kind and caring and has always gone above and beyond for all families that come through us and she will continue to do so for a long time to come.

Edward James
Better known to us as Ed. After working within the industry for many years Ed has bought extensive and valuable knowledge to us here at Becker’s. That combined with his professionalism and caring personality Ed is a fantastic asset to the Becker Family team.

Elyce Gilfillan “Ell”
Is married to Rob and they have two amazing daughters. Ell joined us in November 2022. She has great compassion and professionalism and treats all of our families with the utmost care.

Jessica Farnsworth “Jess”
Jess is married to Brad and has three gorgeous children. Jess is our new Pre Paid Funeral specialist. She is kind and caring and available to answer any questions you may have in regards to pre paying a Funeral. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact our office to make an appointment with Jess.

Robert Gilfillan “Rob”
Rob is married to Ell and one of the newest members of our team. He has a vibrant and sympathetic nature and treats all our families with the same level of care as all the staff at Beckers.